Common error messages in Squarespace 5

This guide includes a list of common error messages that you may come across in Squarespace 5 and recommended solutions.

Error message Next steps
"403 forbidden" Visit 403 forbidden error.
CAPTCHA notification: "An internal error occurred" Visit Visitors can't comment on my blog.
"Content Editor is loading..." Visit My editor isn't loading.
Import failure notification Visit Import failure.
"No Default Folder Page Selected" Set a front page for your folder.
Security certificate errors Visit Security certificate errors.
"The Squarespace account is not available." Visit Regaining access to your site.
"Website Login (Unable to Login)" Visit Login troubleshooting.
"Whoops. Something went wrong. The error has been logged by our system. Please try again." There may be an issue with your account or sub-account status. Open a ticket to resolve the issue.  
Note: Squarespace 5 is our legacy platform from 2012. Although we still support Squarespace 5, fixing bugs or issues is a lower priority for us while we focus on our current platform, Squarespace 7.
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Common error messages in Squarespace 5