When you build your site, you'll use built-in Squarespace 5 modules called pages and widgets. This guide gives an overview of the available pages and widgets, with links to more information.
Pages vs. widgets
- A page creates a separate page on your site where you can add content. It can display as a link in your top navigation or sidebar.
- A widget adds content to your sidebar.
Some modules are available as both a page and a widget. For example, you can create a stand-alone Amazon Item List page, and in your site's sidebar you can add an Amazon Item List widget.
Widgets and pages
Click the link for each module to learn more.
- Amazon Item List page/widget - Display products sold on Amazon.com.
- Change Tracker page/widget - Display recent changes to your site.
- Discussion page - Create a forum module to facilitate discussions on your site.
- Drop Box page - Enable visitors to upload files to your site.
- FAQ page - Provide answers to frequently-asked questions.
- File Storage page - Upload, store, and share files.
- Flickr widget - Not currently supported.
- Folder page - Create a menu of links.
- Form page/widget - Create a form for collecting feedback and information. Available on the Unlimited billing plan.
- Guestbook page - Create an open feed where visitors can share a message.
- HTML page - A blank page for adding content such as text, images, and links. This page also supports WYSIWYG text.
Journal page - Create a blog for your site.
- Journal Index page/widget - Curate a list of your most recent blog posts, organized by date, title, tag, or category.
- Journal Summary widget - Display recent blog posts with teaser text.
- Links page/widget - Add a list of links.
- Location Widget - Not currently supported.
- Login Prompt page/widget - Add a place for your site's members to log in.
- Map page - Embed a Google Map.
- Picture Gallery page - Create a browsable gallery of images.
- Powered By Squarespace page/widget - Add a small icon to promote Squarespace on your site.
- Registration page - Enable visitors to sign up for a member account.
- RSS widget - Import entries from an RSS feed.
- Search page/widget - Help visitors search your site content.
- Send AIM Message Page - This is no longer available, as AIM shut down in 2017.
- Send Email page/widget - Add a simple form for collecting feedback and information.
- Single Link page - Add a navigation link.
- Social Links widget - Display your social networking profiles and those of your site members.
- Syndicate RSS page/widget - Display a text link and icon that points to your RSS feed URLs.
- Tag Cloud page/widget - Add a tag cloud for your blog's tags and/or categories.
- Text/HTML widget - A blank canvas for adding content to your sidebar, such as text, images, and links.
- Twitter widget - Import tweets from Twitter.