Adding an external link to your navigation

When building your site navigation, add a Single Link page to link to an external site. You can also use this option to link to your own site content and files.

Step 1 - Add the Single Link page

In Structure mode or site Architecture, click Add Page next to your top navigation or any sidebar page section, and choose Single Link. Then click Select & Configure.

For more help, visit Adding a page.


Step 2 - Configure the link

In the configuration area, fill out these fields:

  • Navigation Bar Title - The text that displays in the navigation. 
  • Location (URL) - The URL that the link points to. If you're linking to a page on your site, use the slug, like this: /blog/

Check or uncheck Show in New Browser Window to choose whether the link opens in the same browser tab or a new tab. If set to open in a new tab, an icon displays next to the link:


When you're finished, save and enable the page.

Example - Link to a different site

To link to products you're selling on a site like Etsy, you could set up your Single Link configuration like this:


Tip: Squarespace 7, our current platform, has built-in options for selling products on your site.

Example - Add a second link to the same page

If you've added a page to your navigation and want a second link to the same page in your sidebar, you could use a Single Link module.

Tip: If you're linking to a page on your site, use the site-relative URL, like this: /blog/  


Example - Link to a file

In general, we recommend you add a Download page to link to files. 

However, you can use a Single Link to link to a file in file storage by adding its direct URL to the Location (URL) field. For example, you might use this to add a navigation link that takes visitors to a full-resolution image.

Other options

You can add external links wherever you add links on your site. For example, you could add a text link on a page and add the external URL to the direct URL field.

For more help, visit Adding links to your site.

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Adding an external link to your navigation