Adding forms

Adding a form to your site gives visitors a way to contact you. You can use a form to collect customer requests, support inquiries, employment applications, event sign-ups, and more.

Squarespace 5 has two options for building a contact form, depending on your billing plan.

  • Send Email - Available for all plans. Submissions forward to an email account. Supports a name, email, subject, and text field.
  • Form - Available on the Unlimited billing plan. Submissions can forward to an email account and/or a spreadsheet in your site's file storage. Supports multiple field types including checkbox, phone number, website, address, and all the fields in the Send Email module.
Tip: To test the forms, log out of your site or open the page in a private browser window. You can't submit a form while logged in.

Add a Form page or widget

On the Unlimited billing plan, you can add a Form module as a page on your site or a widget in your sidebar.

For either the page or the widget, follow these steps:

Step 1 - Add the form

In Structure mode or site Architecture, click Add Page or Add Widget and choose Form. Then click Select & Configure.

For more help, visit Adding a page and Adding a sidebar widget.

Note: If you see a Module Not Supported error message, your billing plan doesn't support the Form module. Use a Send Email module instead.

Step 2 - Set up the form

In the configuration area, set up your form:

  • Presentation - Show or hide the title that displays above the form. (Page only)
  • Data Storage - Save submissions to an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Collect New Entries Via Email - Send submissions to an email address. Add the address in the Email New Entries To field.
  • Send Confirmation Emails - Automatically email a response to anyone who submits through the form. If you check this option, you can customize the message and the email address they'll see as the sender.
  • Confirmation Message - After a visitor clicks Submit, this message displays on your site. This field supports HTML.

When you're finished, save and enable the page or widget.

Tip: To receive notifications when you get submissions, check Collect New Entries via Email.

Step 3 - Add fields

Go to Content Mode, then click Add A New Field.


Select a new field type, and click Create Field.

  • For any field, you can change the title, add instruction text.
  • Choose the Title Text or Section Break fields to add text headers to your form.
  • To make a field mandatory, check Required Field.
  • To rearrange the fields, hover over a field till the four-way arrow appears, then click and drag.
  • To edit or delete any field, click it to bring up its Properties window.
  • There's a 100 character limit in form title fields.

Step 4 - Collect responses

If you checked Collect New Entries via Email in the Configuration window, you'll receive an email when a visitor clicks Submit on your form.

If you checked Save Submissions to Excel Spreadsheet, you can access submissions in file storage:

  1. In Website Management, click File Storage.
  2. Open the Captured Data folder.
  3. Click the name of your form to preview it or download it to your computer.

If you're unsure which file is your form, you can see the name in the Data Storage section of the Configuration window for that page or widget.

Note: Some Squarespace 5 users see formatting issues in response emails. If you're seeing this, use the Excel Spreadsheet option instead.

Add a Send Email page or widget

Available on all billing plans, the Send Email page or sidebar widget gives visitors a way to contact you.

The form will always contain a name, email, subject, and message field, all of which are required for submission.

For either the page or the widget, follow these steps:

Step 1 - Add the form

In Structure mode or site Architecture, click Add Page or Add Widget and choose Send Email. Then click Select & Configure.

For more help, visit Adding a page and Adding a sidebar widget.

Step 2 - Set up the form

In the configuration area, set up your form:

  • Presentation - Show or hide the title that displays above the form. (Page only)
  • Collection Email - Choose the email address where you want to receive submissions.
  • Send Confirmation Emails - Automatically send an emailed response to anyone who submits through the form. If you check this option, you can customize the message and the email address they'll see as the sender.
  • Confirmation Message - After a visitor clicks Submit, this message displays on your site. This field supports HTML.

When you're finished, save and enable the page or widget.

Step 2 - Change the form's text

To change the text of your Send Email form, enter Content Mode, then click on the title or field you want to change.

Tip: To test the form, log out of your site or open the page in a private browser window. You can't submit answers to your Form while logged in.

Step 3 - Collect responses

You'll receive an email when a visitor hits Submit on your form.

To change the email address that receives the submissions:

  1. Enter Structure mode.
  2. Hover over the page title in your navigation and click Configure.
  3. Scroll down to the Collection Email section and replace the email address in the Email New Entries To field.

Change form settings

To edit your form settings in the future, configure the page or widget.

In Structure Mode:

  • Pages - Click Configure this page.
  • Widgets - Hover over the widget and click Configure.

For more help, visit Adding and editing content.

Change the connected email

Edit the email address that receives the form submissions in settings.

For all Send Email and Form pages and widgets:

  1. Enter Structure Mode.
  2. Click Configure this page, or hover over the widget and click Configure.
  3. Update the Email New Entries To field with the new email address.
  4. Click Save Page Configuration or Save Widget Configuration.

Change the text

To edit the text on Send Email and Form pages and widgets, enter Content mode and click the text. Pop-ups appear with editing options.

Here's how that looks on the Send Email page:


Here's how it looks on the Form page:


Tip: To edit the confirmation message, go to the module's configuration area.

Add a page header or footer

The Send Email and Form pages have a built-in header and footer, which displays above and below the form. To add a header or footer, enter Structure mode and click Add Page Header or Add Page Footer.

To learn more, visit Adding a page header or footer

Link to an upload page

Squarespace forms don't include an upload field for files. However, if you have experience with HTML, you can add a link to a Drop Box Page to the confirmation message that displays once a visitor clicks Submit.

  1. In Content Mode, open the Configuration for the page or widget.
  2. Scroll down to Confirmation Message.
  3. Add the link HTML to the Confirmation Message field, and add the URL of your Drop Box page.

Only the Confirmation Message field supports HTML. The field doesn't support JavaScript.

Note: The Squarespace 5 Drop Box module isn't associated with the Dropbox file sharing service.

Note: Adding code to your site is an advanced modification that falls outside the scope of Squarespace support.


Create a MailChimp form

To create a form that connects to a MailChimp list, copy their Signup Form code by following the steps in their documentation. Then paste that code into a page on your site as HTML. See the video below for more help.

Note: This video was made in 2012. MailChimp's interface may have changed. See MailChimp's documentation for more help. Adding custom code to your site is an advanced modification that falls outside the scope of Squarespace support.

Squarespace 7 comparison

Our current platform, Squarespace 7, has a Form Block with an updated, mobile-friendly design. It includes more field options and can connect to email, Google Drive, and MailChimp.

Squarespace 7 also has an integrated Email Campaigns feature, so you can send emails directly from your site.

When you're ready to make the switch, visit Moving from Squarespace 5 to Squarespace 7.

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