Adding music to your Squarespace 5 site

Squarespace 5 doesn't have a built-in module for adding music files. Instead, add a download link, or embed a third-party audio player with custom code.

Add a download link

To add a download link to music on your site:

  1. Add the audio file to your site's file storage area.
  2. In Content mode, open the editor for the post or page.
  3. Add text, like "Listen now," and link the text to your file.

Depending on the type of browser your visitor is using and their browser settings, the audio file will either download to their computer or open in a player in a new tab.

Embed third-party code

You can use custom code to embed a third-party player on your site. Once you've searched for and found a player that you like, add the custom code to a page, widget, or post.

Note: Adding code to your site is an advanced modification that falls outside of the scope of Squarespace support.


You can attach audio files to blog posts to create a podcast. To learn more, visit Podcasting with Squarespace 5.

Squarespace 7 comparison

If adding music to your site is important, consider switching to our current platform. Squarespace 7 has multiple options for adding music to your site:

  • Choose from designs designed to showcase music.
  • Add a player to pages on your site with the Audio Block.
  • Create a Store Page to sell albums and merchandise.

To learn more about these options, visit these guides on our Squarespace 7 Help site:

To learn more about switching, visit Squarespace 5 vs. newer versions.

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Adding music to your Squarespace 5 site