In addition to the main content area, your Squarespace 5 site can have up to two sidebars, a header area, and a top navigation. Enter Style mode to change your site's layout.
Tip: Layout changes are site-wide, meaning they appear on every page of your site. You can use style overrides to create page-specific layouts.
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Edit the layout
To change the layout of your site:
- Enter Style mode.
- Click Banner & Navigation. (If you haven't already, you'll be prompted to create a custom style.)
- Use the Column Layout options to choose how many sidebars display on your site, and where.
- Use the Horizontal Navigation options to choose what displays in your header, and where.
- Click Save Changes.
Sidebar options
Use the Column Layout icons to choose whether your site has:
- No sidebars
- One sidebar - Left or right
- Two sidebars - Left, right, or split.
If you change the sidebar layout, click Save Changes before making any other changes.
Choose what content appears in your sidebars in your site's Architecture area. Sidebars must have at least one section enabled to appear on your live site. For more help, visit Editing sidebars.
Header and navigation options
Use the Horizontal Navigation icons to choose whether your site has a top navigation, and whether it displays above or below the header.
If you change the header and navigation layout, click Save Changes before making any other changes.
You can also:
- Change the title and subtitle text in Website Settings.
- Choose which pages display in the navigation in the Architecture area.
- Style the links and site title in the Fonts, Colors & Sizes tab.
- Add navigation links to the sidebar.
For more help, visit Building a site header.
Change the widths
Your total site width (content area plus sidebars) displays under the Banner Image (URL) field. Click Change Widths to set the width of the sidebars or content area.
Use the slider or type a number into the field to change these widths:
- Content Padding (External) - The space outside the content area and sidebars.
- Content Padding (Internal) - The space between the content area and sidebars.
- Content Width
- Sidebar 1 Width
- Sidebar 2 Width
If you change the width of any area, click Save Changes before making any other changes.
To return to the layout options, click Return to Banner & Navigation.
Banner images
To add a banner image to your header, add the image to the Banner Image section. You can also use a style override to create a page-specific banner.
To learn more, visit Adding a banner image.