Updating your account email address

Keeping a valid email address on file with us ensures that you receive all email notifications for your site and Squarespace 5 account, including replies to any support tickets and password reset requests.

A valid account email address is required per our Terms of Service

Note: If you're transferring ownership of your site, follow the steps in Changing site ownership instead. Your account email address is an important part of your account security, so we recommend using an email address that you can access.

Before you begin

  • Updating your account email address doesn't change where you receive form submissions. To change the email address connected to the Send Email or Form pages or widgets, visit Adding forms.
  • Email addresses aren't used for logging in. Instead, use your account name.
  • If you've forgotten the email address associated with your site, log into your site and follow steps 1-3 below to see it.

Update your email address

  1. Click your display name in the top-left.
  2. Click Member Profile.


  1. Scroll down to the Member Information section.
  2. Update the Email field.
  3. Click Save Changes.


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Updating your account email address