Enabling and disabling pages and widgets

When you add a page or widget, it’s automatically disabled. Disabled pages don't display on your live site and can't be indexed by search engines. The direct URL won't work. Enable the page or widget to publish it to your live site.

You can also disable a live page or widget. This can be helpful if your site is under construction or if you want to hide content temporarily and publish it later.

When you're logged in, disabled page links and widgets will be a light gray or semi-transparent. They won't show for anyone else, including logged-in Editors.

Before you begin

When you disabled a page, site members who've subscribed to that page will still receive updates. For example, if you disable your Journal Page and then add a new post, page subscribers will get a notification about the new post.

You can disable all notifications for a page in page configuration.

Option 1 - Structure mode

In Structure mode, hover over the page link or widget and click Enable or Disable.


Option 2 - Architecture area

In the Website Management bar, click Architecture under Structure. Then hover over the page or widget and click Enable or Disable.


Other ways to hide pages and widgets

There are other options for hiding content on your site:


  • Choose when page links display - Choose to display page links only on specific pages. The direct URL for the page will still work.
  • Hide the section - Add a page to a hidden section to remove it from your live site. The direct URL for the page will still work.
  • Set a password - Restrict pages to site members in specific Audiences. The direct URL for the page won't work for anyone not in that Audience.


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Enabling and disabling pages and widgets