Customizing your site's emails

On the Unlimited billing plan you can make changes to the automatic email notifications sent by your site. The emails you can customize include:

  • Site member notifications
  • Blog post notifications
  • Site change notifications
  • Form submissions

Before you begin

  • Be cautious when making changes, as mistakes can cause the emails to fail to send.
  • An Unsubscribe link will display at the bottom of all notification emails. This link can't be removed.
  • To set up an email account for your site's domain, visit Custom email addresses and Squarespace 5.

Step 1 - Open email settings

  1. Log into your site.
  2. In the Website Management bar, click Website Settings under Structure.
  3. Click Email.


Step 2 - Choose the email type

Click the Editing Email Template drop-down menu to choose the template for the email type you want to edit. 

  • New Member Invitation - Sent to a site member when you set up an account for them.
  • New Member Registration - Sent when a site member registers themselves.
  • Password Recovery - Sent when a site member resets their site password.
  • Article Recommendation - Sent when a visitor clicks to send a blog post URL via an email share link.
  • Content Updated (Subscription) - Sent when someone has subscribed to site change notifications.
  • Author Contact Email - Sent to the page owner when someone submits via the Send Email form.
  • Form Submission Receipt (Sent To User) - Sent to a visitor when they submit via a Form Page or Form Widget
  • Form Submission (Sent To Site Owner) - Sent to a page owner when someone submits via a Form Page or Form Widget
  • Unregistered Member Comment Notification - Sent when an unregistered member comments on a blog post.


Step 3 - Edit the email

Use the fields that appear below to change the content of the email. Only plain text formatting is supported.

Variables in brackets pull in content automatically. For example, in the New Member Invitation template, if you delete Password: [PASSWORD], the email that a new member receives won't show their password.

When you've finished, click Save Template.

Tip: See our list of variables for more help.


Step 4 - Test the email

After making changes to the template, send an email to yourself to see what the new template looks like.

For example, if you update the Article Recommendation template, go to a blog post on your site and use the email share link to send the link to your personal email account. When the automatic notification arrives in your Inbox, you'll see what the new email notification looks like.

If you don't see the notification after a few minutes, check your Spam folder. If the email never arrived, try reverting to the default template and then starting again. Errors in a customized template can stop the email from sending correctly.


To see variables in action, here's the New Member Invitation default settings:


And here's the email new members receive with those settings:


Revert to the default template

To revert back to a default template:

  1. Log into your site.
  2. In the Website Management bar, click Website Settings under Structure.
  3. Click the Email tab.
  4. In the Editing Email Template drop-down, custom templates will have an EDITED tag. Click to open one of these templates.
  5. Save the text of the current template in a text document to use it again in the future (optional).
  6. Click Revert To Default Template.



Each of the email templates has a set of variables that pull in content automatically. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Only use the variables below. You can’t create your own variables.
  • Only use the variables for the email template they belong to. For example, you can't use a New Member Invitation variable for a Author Contact Email template.
  • Don't remove any variables from the template unless you know what it does. Removing some variables can cause your emails not to send properly. 
  • If you run into trouble, revert the template back to its defaults.

Click the links below to see variables for each email template:

New Member Invitation

Variable Description
[ACCOUNT_CREATOR_EMAIL] Email address of the visitor who created an account.
[WEBSITE_URL] The URL to your website.
[LOGIN_URL] The URL to your Login page.
If you have the setting for Account Validation set, the Validation URL will display.
[LOGIN] The member's login name.
[PASSWORD] The member's password.
Body of the custom message added when selecting to receive an email invitation.

New Member Registration

Variable Description
[LOGIN_URL] The URL to your login page.
If you have the setting for Account Validation set, the Validation URL will display.
[LOGIN] The member's login name.
[PASSWORD] The member's password.

Password Recovery

Variable Description
[PASSWORD_RECOVERY_LINK] The URL to a password recovery page.
[SQUARESPACE_PASSWORD_RECOVERY_LINK] The URL to the password recovery page on your site.

Article Recommendation

Variable Description
[RECOMMENDER_SENDER_EMAIL] Email address of the article's sender.
[RECOMMENDER_SENDER_NAME] Name of the sender.
[RECOMMENDER_MESSAGE] Body of the Message added by the sender.
[ARTICLE_TITLE] Title of the article being sent.
[ARTICLE_LINK] Link to the article being sent.
Excerpt of the article if it was configured on a Squarespace 5 Journal Page.

Content Updated (Subscription)

Variable Description
[CONTENT_SUBJECT] Subject of the email sent containing the page and content title of what was changed.
[AUTHOR_SENDER_EMAIL] Email address of the author that made the update.
Full text of the updated content.
[AUTHOR] Author's name and email address (if added).
[ACTION_TEXT] Either Added or Updated.
[CONTENT_TITLE] Title of the content changed.
URL for the entry.

Author Contact Email

Variable Description
[SUBJECT] Subject text of the Send Email form.
[SENDER_EMAIL] Email address of the sender.
[USER_WEBSITE] URL of your website.
[SENDER_NAME] Name of the sender.
[REMOTE_HOST]/[REMOTE_IP] Network address the form was submitted from.
[MESSAGE] Message body.

Form Submission Receipt (Sent To User)

Variable Description
[RECEIPT_SUBJECT] Subject line of the email receipt.
[RECEIPT_OWNER_NAME] Name attached to the email receipt.
[RECEIPT_OWNER_EMAIL] Email address your confirmation message is to be sent from.
[RECEIPT_MESSAGE] Confirmation text to be sent.

Form Submission (Sent To Site Owner)

Variable Description
[FORM_NAME] Name of the form page.
[SUBMITTER_REPLY_TO_ADDRESS] Email address of the submitter.
[USER_WEBSITE] URL of your website.
[REMOTE_HOST]/[REMOTE_IP] Network address the form was submitted from.
[FORM_DATA] Data that was entered on the form.

Unregistered Member Comment Notification

Variable Description
[FORM_NAME] Name of the form page.
[SUBMITTER_REPLY_TO_ADDRESS] Email address of the submitter.
[USER_WEBSITE] URL of your website.
[REMOTE_HOST]/[REMOTE_IP] Network address the form was submitted from.
[FORM_DATA] Data that was entered on the form.
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Customizing your site's emails