You can use a variety of pages to create your site's content, ranging from multi-purpose HTML pages to pages with specific functions, like Journal pages.
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Step 1 - Add a page
To add a page to your site, there are two options:
- Structure mode - Add the page link to navigation that your visitors can see.
- Architecture area - Add pages to hidden sections, or add pages while seeing an overview of all pages and widgets on your site.
Structure mode
While in Structure mode, click Add Page next to your top navigation or sidebar page section.
Site Architecture
To add a page in your site's Architecture area:
- In the Website Management bar, click Architecture under Structure.
- Click Add Page in any page section.
To learn how sections work, visit Organizing your site.
Step 2 - Choose a page type
In the window that appears, choose the page type you want. Then click Select & Configure.
- For a blank page, choose HTML.
- For a description of each page type and links to more information, visit Pages and widgets overview.
Step 3 - Configure the page
A window appears with configuration options. These vary by the type of page. To leave the default settings, typically you just add a page title and click Create Page.
To edit the page configuration in the future, go to the page, enter Structure mode, and click Configure This Page.
Tip: The title can be up to 50 characters.
Step 4 - Enable the page
Once you create the page, it's visible to you while you're logged in, but not visible on your live site. To make it live in either Structure mode or your Architecture area, hover over the page name and click Enable.
Example 1 - Page with a picture
To create a page with one or more pictures, you can:
- Add an HTML page and add an image in the editor.
- Create a Picture Gallery.
Example 2 - Wish list
To create a wish list on your site, you can:
- Add a Links page to create a list of links with titles, URLs and descriptions.
- Use an Amazon Item List page to displays items from the Amazon store.
- Add an HTML page and create text links.
Duplicate a page
Currently there isn't a built-in way to duplicate pages on your site.
For HTML pages, you can recreate a page by copying and pasting the page HTML.
- Go to the page and enter Content mode.
- Click Edit Page.
- Click HTML on the right to enter HTML mode.
- Copy the HTML.
- Create a new HTML page.
- Go to the new HTML page and enter Content mode.
- Click Edit Page.
- Switch to HTML mode again and paste in the code.
- Click Save & Close.
For all other page types, create a new page of the same type and manually reproduce the content. You can move blog posts from one Journal page to another.