Changing your display name

Your Squarespace 5 display name appears on areas where you've added content, such as blog posts, Discussion Pages, and Guestbook Pages. It also appears on the top bar when you log into your site.

Tip: When you change your display name, previously published content updates to the new name.

Change your display name

To change your display name:

  1. Log into your site.
  2. Click your current display name, then select Member Profile.


  1. Update the Display Name field.
  2. Add your current password and create a new password.
  3. Click Save Changes.


 Tip: To update your login name and built-in URL instead, visit Changing your account name.

Change a member's display name

If your site has multiple contributors, the site owner can change the display name for any member.

  1. Log into your site.
  2. Click Website Management, then select Member Accounts.
  3. Click the name of the member.
  4. Update the Display Name field.
  5. Click Save Changes.
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Changing your display name