Formatting images for display on the web

For best results, follow the suggestions below to format your images before uploading them to your Squarespace 5 site. You can use any third-party image editing software to edit.

Image format

  • Save images in .jpg, .png, or .gif format only. The .pdf, .psd, .tff, and .doc file types aren't web-compatible.
  • Only use lettersnumbersunderscores, and hyphens in file names. Other characters (like spaces, question marks, percent signs, and ampersands) may upload incorrectly or cause unexpected behavior.
  • Image file names should be lowercase
  • Ensure your images are rotated correctly before uploading them. There isn't a built-in way to rotate them.
  • Save images in RGB color mode. Print mode (CMYK) won't render in most browsers.
  • Save images in the sRGB color profile. If images don't look right on mobile devices, it's probably because they don't have an sRGB color profile. 

Image size

  • We recommend using image files of less than 500 KB, though the limit for an individual image upload is 20 MB. When it comes to image size, bigger isn't always better, as uploading larger images can affect site performance.
  • When possible, before uploading, size your images exactly as you want them to appear on your site.

Mobile best practices

Unlike Squarespace 7, Squarespace 5 doesn't have responsive design, so think ahead to what your visitors will see if they view your site on a mobile device. For example, if your images are small, on a smartphone they may be too small to see clearly.

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Formatting images for display on the web